Universiteit Utrecht personeelspas staff card

Utrecht University produces staff card with CardsOnline

Utrecht University produces staff card with CardsOnline

This year, Utrecht University (UU) begins to produce its staff card with the central card management system CardsOnline. Utrecht University is located in the city of Utrecht and has seven faculties. With over 30,000 students (and an annual enrollment of 6,500 new students), Utrecht University is one of the largest universities in the Netherlands. At the university there are approximately 6,000 employees, of whom 640 are professors. The university offers bachelor programs, minors and masters courses, as well as promotion programs.

With a local installation of CardsOnline, ScreenCheck offers UU the ability to design, produce and manage a multi-functional staff card. For the card type the Desfire EV1 smart card has been chosen, which is used for parking, coffee machines and access control.

The implementation started with a test environment to properly test all connections with external systems, the Service Portal and the production of the cards. CardsOnline connects to parking(by IP parking), payment and coffee machines (supplied by Maas and Xafax). The system and staff cards are also prepared for the connection with the access system.

ScreenCheck will provide the pre-printing, production and accompanying letter for bulk delivery of the staff cards. Utrecht University is responsible for sending the cards to her staff. Also provided are several SC4500 ID card printers, so card holders can print their cards at service points.

CardsOnline Service Portal

In addition to CardsOnline, Utrecht University also chooses the CardsOnline Service Portal. This is designed to improve cardholder communication by providing an additional service that can help manage your own card data. ScreenCheck has made a specific configuration for the portal to meet UU’s wishes and be better prepared for the new privacy act.

Employees of the University log with an existing account into the Service Portal. They can activate the staff card with the parking and/or payment function. Allowing data management can be specified and send and receive requests. The card holder can also block a card.

CardsOnline enables organizations to design, produce and manage multi-function ID CardsOnline, from multiple locations by authorized users.